


2021年5月19日对霍曼常熟工厂来说是一个重要的里程碑,这天我们荣获 ISO 9001 和 ISO 14001 管理体系认证,展示了霍曼具有标准化、定量化、全过程控制生产门的能力。

May 19, 2021 is a milestone for Hörmann Changshu plant as we received Management System Certificates ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with great hornor which showcase Hörmann ability of producing doors in a standardized, quantitative and whole-process-under-control way.


在公司管理层的指导下,公司本着质量第一、环境友好的原则执行生产任务,在短时间内获得了 ISO 9001 和 ISO 14001 管理体系认证。拥有这两个高含金量的证书,霍曼产品将在供应市场上变得更有竞争力。

Under company managment’s instructions, HCS has been implementing production mission on the basis of quality first and enviornment friendly thus to receive Management System Certificates ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 within a very fast time. By owning these two high-quality certificates, HCS becomes more competent in the supply market.

霍曼常熟工厂总监 Mario Bock 先生召集全体员工在车间发言

当我们一收到这两张证书,霍曼常熟工厂总监 Mario Bock 先生召集全体员工在车间发言。他为霍曼团队实现的成就感到自豪,鼓励每一位员工以更加规范的方式为公司不断努力,并向每一位员工致以诚挚的谢意,包括质量部主管邹晟,安全员吴雪丹和其他所有员工。

As soon as we received the two certificates, Hörmann Changshu plant director Mr. Mario Bock gathered all staff and made a speech in the workshop. He delivered his proudness for the achievement Hörmann team realized, encouraged every worker to continuously make efforts for company in a more standardized way and sent his sincere thanks to everyone, including Quality Department supervisor Zou Sheng, EHS engineer Wu Xuedan and all involved.



The certification of these two standards is a complicated and tedious process. Combined with market ackowledgement and HCS’s actual status, company management guided Hörmann Changshu team to work more standardized and scientifically which is in our favor to better establish Hörmann brand.
